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HomeEconomyUS Dollar at Stake: Political Deadlock on Debt Ceiling Threatens Investor Confidence

US Dollar at Stake: Political Deadlock on Debt Ceiling Threatens Investor Confidence

The US dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency is under “real risk” as ongoing political stalemate surrounding the US debt limit continues to erode global confidence in American assets, says Beth Hammack, co-head of Goldman Sachs’ global financing group.

International investors are perplexed by the situation, as Hammack explains, “They don’t understand why we’ve made these appropriations, and we’re not willing to pay the bills that we already agreed we would pay.” Hammack’s concerns are shared by many market experts who have voiced their worries about the potential consequences of this protracted negotiation process.

The inability of lawmakers to reach an agreement on raising the government’s borrowing limit may lead to the US defaulting on its debt, which could significantly impact international investors’ confidence in the greenback. Hammack emphasizes the potential damage this could cause, stating, “Anything that moves us away from being viewed as the world’s reserve currency, of being the safest most liquid asset in the world, is bad for the American people, bad for the dollar and bad for the US government.”

She also highlights the dislocations being created in the US Treasury bills market, which ultimately leads to “extra costs for the taxpayers.” In the worst-case scenario where the Treasury stops making payments, Hammack warns of a “huge ripple effect through the economy.”

Echoing Treasury Secretary Yellen’s sentiments, Hammack agrees that a US debt default would have catastrophic repercussions for the US economy. She remains hopeful that a solution can be found, possibly stemming from President Joe Biden’s recent meeting with congressional leaders, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Despite McCarthy’s recent proposal to raise the borrowing limit by $1.5 trillion while cutting spending by $4.5 trillion, no progress has been made in resolving the deadlock. The ongoing impasse serves as a reminder to investors and entrepreneurs of the potential ramifications that political stalemates can have on financial markets and the global economy.