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HomeTechTwilio Co-Founder Jeff Lawson Acquires The Onion, Ensures Staff Retention

Twilio Co-Founder Jeff Lawson Acquires The Onion, Ensures Staff Retention

Jeff Lawson, co-founder of the cloud communications giant Twilio, appears to have ventured into the world of comedic journalism by acquiring the iconic satirical news site, The Onion. The acquisition was orchestrated through a San Francisco-based entity named Global Tetrahedron, humorously nodding to an ongoing gag within The Onion itself.

The sale was confirmed by G/O Media’s CEO, Jim Spanfeller, in a staff email which was later reported by the New York Times. Spanfeller’s message highlighted the new owners’ deep appreciation for comedic content and their commitment to maintaining The Onion’s operations in Chicago, including retaining the full staff—an insistence from G/O Media during negotiations.

The peculiar choice of the company name, Global Tetrahedron, mimics The Onion’s fictional portrayal of an evil megacorporation, adding a layer of irony to the acquisition. This detail alone suggests that Lawson’s approach to owning The Onion may include maintaining its distinct brand of humor.

Jeff Lawson’s involvement was cheekily obscured when questioned about the purchase. His playful responses, “What’s The Onion?” followed by “What’s a Tetrahedron?” left more questions than answers, keeping in tune with the whimsical nature of The Onion itself.

This unexpected move comes on the heels of Lawson’s departure from Twilio in January after a challenging year marked by significant layoffs and increasing pressures from activist investors. While some speculated that Lawson might pivot to a political career, his acquisition of The Onion indicates a different, unexpected path.

This acquisition has surprised industry onlookers and former colleagues alike, showcasing Lawson’s shift from telecommunications technology to the niche arena of satirical news. As The Onion continues under new ownership, the comedic world watches eagerly to see how this blend of tech innovation and satire will evolve under Lawson’s stewardship.