In the realm of the ultra-rich, where tech moguls and business tycoons dominate, Jerry Seinfeld stands out, not for innovative startups or savvy investment strategies, but for the sheer power of humor. According to Bloomberg, the iconic comedian's journey towards potentially joining the exclusive...
Billionaire Joe Lewis, known for founding the company that owns the Tottenham Hotspur English soccer team, has pleaded guilty to securities fraud in a federal court in Manhattan. This admission marks a significant fall from grace for a figure long associated with business success...
2023 witnessed a remarkable surge in philanthropic efforts, with over $3.5 billion donated by individuals or their foundations. This generosity spanned various sectors, including education, healthcare, and scientific research. Topping the annual list from The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Warren Buffett's substantial donation of 1.5...
There's a new twist in the ongoing drama between Charlie Javice, the founder of the embattled student-aid startup Frank, and financial behemoth JPMorgan Chase.
For those catching up, Javice finds herself amid a legal whirlwind after JPMorgan alleged she and her colleague, Olivier Amar, manufactured...
For those who dream of Warren Buffett diving into the world of crypto, it seems the Oracle of Omaha isn’t ready just yet. Instead of exploring digital transactions, Buffett recently settled a wager in one of the most Buffett-esque ways: by sending a $5...
Renowned venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel has an innovative strategy for keeping his employees within arm's reach, according to a former employee. Michael Gibson, who served under Thiel for five years, revealed in his book "Paper Belt on Fire: The Fight for Progress...